Did you know that any feeling is available to you at any time?
You get to use feelings as fuel to create whatever it is you want in life.
For example, many of my clients want to feel motivated to lose weight.
Most of us haven’t been taught that we can generate feelings on purpose.
We spend time wishing we felt motivated, or inspired or passionate and we wait for those feelings to appear.
We think we must wait for something to happen to create those feelings for us.
When it comes to weight, we sometimes want the pain of being overweight, whether emotional or physical, to get so bad that we are motivated to do something about it.
And whilst we are waiting, we feel worse, we get more disappointed, and the feeling of disappointment drives us to eat for comfort!
So, imagine how valuable the skill of generating feelings on purpose would be for you.
I often say that the benefits of weight coaching with me far exceed losing weight and changing your relationship with food for life.
This is one of the skills you learn through coaching with me, that can be applied to any area of your life.
It’s a game changer and you can use it to up your performance at work and get that promotion, start a new hobby or business, and change your relationships.
Imagine being able to generate feelings of love on purpose, any time that you want to!
So, using motivation as an example, how do we learn to feel motivated?
We practice thoughts that we believe will create the feeling of motivation for us.
Much like an actor.
Think of feelings as currency you can draw down in order to get what you want.
For example, if I want to generate motivation to fuel the actions of meal planning, online shopping, meal prepping, and allowing feelings of desire for food, because when I take all these actions, I create the result of managing my relationship with food and losing weight.
So, grab a pen and paper and answer these questions…
Now practice feeling your chosen emotion.
Notice how you think, how you act, what you look like, and what you say when you feel ______________.
Practice feeling ________________ all day as though you’re rehearsing for a part in a film.
Don’t allow your brain to tell you you’re confused.
If your brain suggests that you’re confused ask yourself ‘what would I do if I wasn’t confused?’
This is what doing this work would be like for me…
I really encourage you to practice this work of feeling on purpose.
It’s a massively empowering life changing skill to master.
Let me know in the comments what feeling you will practice feeling on purpose.