All of us experience pain at regular intervals in our lives. We often turn to food, alcohol, shopping, work, or something else to ignore the pain we feel. These temporary distractions only prevent the process that needs to happen to let it go.
We (us humans) have made it almost impossible to lose weight because we can’t rely on our body to tell us when to start, when to stop, and what types of food best serve us.
It has become increasingly difficult to rely on our brilliant bodies for wisdom. The suggestion to eat only...
Nearly all my clients, at some point during our time working together, will refer to the fact that they just want to eat ‘like a normal person’.
When clients come to me to lose weight one of the first things that I ask them to do is to keep eating exactly as they have been for a week and to keep a detailed food journal.
A food journal helps me, and my client, identify patterns and learn why they are overeating and overweight. For...
There are many coaches out there and many different coaching methodologies. The type of coaching that I offer is ‘Causal Coaching’. This means that I treat the cause of my clients’ problem, or the reason why they are not getting what they want in life, and not just the symptoms....
Your past no longer exists except in your mind. All you have is now. The past is over, and the future is in your imagination. All you have in this moment are the thoughts you are thinking. If you’re thinking about your past, that isn’t your past. This is a huge distinction. Your past...
I found hormones fascinating when I studied them as a part of my biology degree. They were one of my favourite modules, even though I didn’t realise then what an impact they have on impact on our lives. Something that I have a heightened awareness for now that I’ve been married to a...
Learning the art and science of intentional eating has been an important part of my weight loss journey.
By intentional eating, I mean that I plan what I am going to eat for every meal at least 24 hours in advance. This may sound restrictive, but it saves a ton of time and mental energy.
When my coach told me that the reason, I was so busy was because I was ‘slopping in my time management’, and that when I told her ‘I don’t have enough time’ that I was lying, I felt a bit affronted. She said that I didn’t need to be so ‘busy’ that I...
Practising believing something you don’t yet believe, is like adding fuel to the fire if you are striving towards achieving a new goal, whether that is weight loss or something else. The first step to doing that is becoming aware of what you currently believe, what your current...